Sesión bibliográfica: dolor lumbar crónico en el anciano.

El 21 de junio de 2019 el Dr. Javier Idoate Gil (Jefe Unidad Geriatría) realizó una revisión sobre el dolor lumbar en el anciano:

  • Low back pain: current surgical approaches.
  • Prevalence of chronic nonspecific low back pain and its associated factors among middle aged and elderly people: an analysis based on data from a musculoskeletal examination in Japan.
  • Sarcopenia in elderly patients with chronic low back pain.
  • Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire.
  • Hernia discal lumbar: historia natural, papel de la exploración, timing de la cirugía, opciones de tratamiento y conflicto de intereses.
  • Development of appropriateness criteria for the surgical treatment of symptomatic lumbar degenerative spondylolisthesis (LDS).
  • Identifying older adults at risk of harm following elective surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • The de prevalence of undiagnosed presurgical cognitive impairment and its post surgical clinical impact in elderly patients undergoing surgery for adult spinal deformity.
  • Effects of age and comorbidities on complication rates and adverse outcomes after lumbar laminectomy in elderly patients.
  • Life  quality after instrumented lumbar fusion in the elderly.
  • Danish national clinical guidelines for surgical and nonsurgical treatment of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis.
  • Low back pain and sciatica: summary or NICE guidance.

La presentación se puede visualizar en el siguiente enlace.

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